Thursday, 21 August 2014

how to hack facebook with phishing method 2014 urdu&hindi


Facebook hacking.

                                Hello! friends!today i will show you that how you can hack facebook  account easily with phishing  method this video tutorial I have described all things about F.B hacking  with phishing method which is working very well.F.B does not recognize it know a this method you make a fake facebook page which feel  facebook login page .page require email or password for login in facebook account .when user add his email (id)and password then automatically hacked account of the user. Internet has large collection of hacking methods for facebook but that does not work because that were blocked by facebook.Because F.B recognize can use this method on every browser like google chrome and etc..and all windows like xp professional.window7 without use workstations like v Mware and etc..

How does it work?

                                       This method is very simple and I have explained all things step by step in video first of all go in google and search in google wapka. Mobi create in account and verify it and click on create new site.add your site in like facebookautofollower.then click on manage it and go in basic setting and open edit text  and etc…..

Before You  read more article please watch following video tutorial so click on download button and watch facebook hacking video tutorial.i hope tutorial will very help full for youuuuJJ:)

                                                     video tutorial

download here

                                                    free download script              

download here

please never miss use you knowledge always use positively and for education.if you feel that my video is very help for you on this topic then plz share my video and leave comments for me.if you face any problem then you can do also comment. 

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                                             thanks for watching ALLAH HAFIZ :)


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